Take A Chance and Go For It

To get big success in your life, you have to take risks. Reward is congruent with risk. Same goes for becoming a trader.

If you are trying to become a trader, go for it. What is at risk really…capital or your ego? You have nothing to lose, and if you do lose a little capital, you can think of it as your tuition on your journey to finding out what is best for you.

In that regard, you might get away much cheaper than some of the others who’ve keep banging their heads on the wall.

Taking big risks does not mean acting recklessly either. It means taking a chance on something that can materially change your life for the better. Measure the risk and know what you’re in for before you take the risk. At that point, you can determine how you will be affected emotionally, and maybe financially, if things don’t work out BEFORE you take the chance.

The fear of an unfavorable outcome does not stop me, because it’s really about the uncertainty of the outcome rather than the fear of it not turning out how I imagined it in my head intellectually.

In fact, I’ve come to love the uncertainty of these situations in life because I trust in myself and I have a history of stepping up, delivering, and being spontaneously awesome on my feet.

I don’t want to look back on my life and say “wow, I wish I had asked her out” or “I wish I had done something else with my life.”

Don’t be the fisherman on the dock of life who has nothing but the regrets of the big ones that got away.

If you have something in your life that you are daydreaming about – take a chance. If your intentions are pure, chances are things will work out for you in your endeavors.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

6 thoughts on “Take A Chance and Go For It

  1. I’m not and never have been afraid of stepping up… My problem is there’s a disconnect between stepping up to things without necessarily the ability to follow through, in other words, you could say I’m deluded!  I learn on the job and make plenty of emotional and financially painful mistakes on the way. I sometimes let the punches get the better of me and at other times my impatience overwhelms my considered approach and I jump back into things that perhaps a softly, slowly approach would reap better results. That’s what I’m learning.  Throughout all of this this though there’s the knowledge I only have one life and regret is only for things I didn’t do. Trading is a vehicle for changing my life for the better not only financially but in every sense of the word. The personal growth I’m experiencing through the self awareness that trading necessitates is immeasurable and there’s the added benefit of the practical rewards ie. money that successful trading also brings. Great post, Michael, rock on.  

  2. Very inspirational, it is really nice to read this, especially at this stage in my life when I know that I have to make it happen or be the fisherman on the deck……. Thank you so much for these words, for me are priceless. Keep up with the good work, Pablo  

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