Jim Rogers on Charlie Rose in ’95

Jim Rogers, in my mind’s eye is the best purely fundamental trader. Listen to him delineate his theory on China – more than 10 years before his book A Bull on China was published. One of my classes at UCLA is dedicated solely to his fundamental manner of studying markets and commodities.

Listen closely to the segment at the 14:42 mark…

Charlie Rose: Where would you put your money right now?

Jim Rogers: If you want to invest in markets, you should put your money in the commodity markets…you should be buying SUGAR…(Rose cuts him off)…

Charlie Rose: Oh man, that’s…, c’mon Jim – that’s a fool’s errand.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “Jim Rogers on Charlie Rose in ’95

  1. Jim was so right about the commodity. If you invest with his index fund, you should be smiling now.

  2. Yeah, so much for his being what he says “the world’s worst trader.” I don’t
    buy that for a second. He’s a great market timer actually.

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