How to think beyond a reward to risk ratio of 5 to 1

Asymmetric trades are not based upon chart structures

michael martin martinkronicle

How to go beyond your reward to risk ratio of 5 to 1

Most traders fail to reach their true optimum ability and optimal performance because they have no sense of imagination and the don’t challenge themselves.   

How to achieve Asymmetric Returns

Most traders fail to reach their true optimum ability and optimal performance because they have no sense of imagination and the don’t challenge themselves to think of asymmetric returns. Developing price targets can hold you back from making larger gains that are rightfully yours. You will not claim them by thinking in a small-minded manner.

Asymmetric returns are not based upon chart structures

Think beyond price targets – I believe price targets are holding you back from making better returns for the risk that you’re already willing to take. Besides, don’t you make fun of the folks on TV who put price targets on stocks when they talk their book? Me too, so don’t fall into that trap either.

Markets can and do trade through “targets” all day long.

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