How to achieve your goals faster by staying on message

michael martin martinkronicle

How to achieve your goals faster by staying on message

Some investors will test you by asking you questions that are deliberately off the mark. Stick to you message throughout even if they try to knock you off balance.

Some investors will test you by asking you questions that are deliberately off the mark.

Stick to you message throughout even if they try to knock you off balance.

You might take a meeting as a CTA and someone interviewing you might say something along the lines of “We’re looking to allocate $10MM to a crypto-only portfolio in the next 5 days” when they know you’re looking for assets. 

It’s ok to laugh at them and say “good luck – I hope there is a short selling component to the model.”

Tell them that it’s “not terribly wise to make such an allocation on short notice.”

Most allocators want some fight in the dog. 

Stick to your message and what it is you can do and leave it at that.

Otherwise, you’ll look amateurish if you’re all over the place. 

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