How Maria Bartiromo May Become The Best Teacher You’ve Ever Had


A good teacher will help aggregate information and condense it for you in an organized manner. A great teacher will passionately help you discover the ability you have inside yourself and help you culture that pearl, so that your feelings and intellect become your allies.

Such is the approach Maria Bartiromo has taken in her new book, 10 Laws of Enduring Success, written with Catherine Whitney. The book details the events that Bartiromo had to overcome and the manner in which she had to persist from her days as a young girl in Brooklyn, to becoming the woman the world knows her as today.

The result is an inspiring and highly motivational book that is perfectly timed for today’s business environment. It doesn’t pander to her constituents on Wall St. either: it’s equally motivating to white and blue collars – and especially to women. While reading it, I kept thinking how this book reminded me of 2 other inspiring reads I recommend to my students: Napolean Hill’s Think and Grow Rich and Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

Read my full article How Maria Bartiromo May Become The Best Teacher You’ve Ever Had at the Huffington Post.

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